
GRANT'S NAME Technology Acquisition Fund (TAF)
AGENCY Malaysian Technology Development Corporation (MTDC)
PURPOSE The acquisition of technology could be in the form of acquiring know-how / IP exploitation / rights / blueprints via one of the following methods:(1) Licensing of technology; and(2) Outright purchase of technology
AMOUNT OF GRANT Up to RM4,000,000 or 70% of technology costs and 50% of equipment costs (Partial grant)
SECTOR No specified sector, applicable for all sector
  1. Incorporated under the Companies Act 2016
  2. At least 51% owned by Malaysian(s)
  3. Qualifies as an SME
  4. The proposed technology acquisition must be the Priority Technology Clusters identified by MOSTI
  5. The technology to be acquired must be a registered Intellectual Property (Patent/Copyright/IndustrialDesign) with proven and significant sales volume in the country of origin
  6. The technology provider must not hold any equity in the applicant's company
  7. A draft agreement outlaying clearly the clauses is provided

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